
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yesterday we made it all the way to Seattle!    The ferry is going to leave on Friday so we have only two more days until my dad and I get on the boat. The boat ride will last for two days, I don't think that there is any internet connection on the boat so there will not be any posts over the weekend.   If there is internet, I will be sure to make some posts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sorry that I missed a few days of blogging, there hasn't been much internet connection. Last night my dad and I stayed in Emigrant Springs State Park, in the state of Oregon. We have driving for about an hour and we just stopped at an overlook where the views were absolutely spectacular. Here is a pictrure

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Last night we stayed at Rabbit Valley in western Colorado. The wind was blowing so hard that it was hard to open your eyes without getting sand in them. The view from the camp site was absolutely beautiful. Here are some views.

We met my grandparents at the campsite, they have the cutest dog in the world that is named Cozy Dog. He is named after a hotdog restaurant.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My dad and I left for the Seattle at about noon today. We are stopping at for the night at a place in called Rabbit Valley in western Colorado. When we get there my father and I are going to meet up with my grandpa. Right  now we are heading through the town of Rifle. There is a huge wildfire about 60 miles southwest of here the whole sky is blacked out with smoke and everything is a dull shade of gray. Here is a picture:

The visibility is very low and is about less than 2 miles. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day everybody!
Greg -
I work as a high school math teacher so my posts over the next two weeks will be few and far between.   In the meantime, I'll be packing and making some final repairs to the house.  At work, I'll be busy with instruction,  helping kids prepare for finals, and closing out the school year.   I'm excited to be heading back to Alaska with my son Jack.   He's great company and a hard worker.   We've got good friends that we're looking forward to seeing again and there is no better way to spend a summer than in the wilds of SE Alaska.

I've attached another trailer from our trip last summer.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Below is a movie trailer that my dad made on I-Move (thank you Steve Jobs). These are videos from the last time that we went to Alaska. This is not an actual movie. Hope you enjoy!

Here is a picture of me:

And here is my father, Greg, (For some reason he made me choose the picture with Smokey the Bear)

and a close up.

Hey everybody. This is the first time that I have blogged so I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Tips on what to do will be greatly appreciated. So, down to the point. My dad and I are going to Alaska this summer and will be creating a blog about our adventure. My dad's name is Greg and he will also be posting on this blog every once and a while. We are going to the island of Wrangell to work for the Forest Service.  We do trail maintenance, split and distribute firewood, and work as camp hosts.  We will be setting off for Seattle in to catch a ferry in two weeks. My father and I did this last year but neglected to make a blog. So I have to make up for lost time. I hope that you enjoy our blog!